Tuesday 14 February 2012


If you’re dehydrated chances are that you’re not putting 100% of your energy into your business or life. I spoke to nutritional therapist Chen Saat-Murphy from true food Healing about the benefits of drinking water and the different sources from which we can obtain water. 

Imagine communicating your best ideas without being fueled by coffee, tea or a soda drink. Imagine performing better than your perceived best and surprising your colleagues and yourself. Imagine this happening because you drink water, two to three litres per day. This is exactly what top performing athletes do. This is what the best business people do. Why? Because they know that it gives them the energy that their bodies ask for, an energy that translates into faster and clearer thoughts which in turn results in better action. Check out www.allaboutwater.org for more information.

Drop the monkey business and drink water

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